


核心词汇 plentiful 大量的 / 丰富的(例句)

plentiful/ ˈplentɪfl; ˋplɛntɪfəl/adj.in large quantities or numbers; abundant,more than enough in quantity 大量的; 丰富的

Things that areplentifulexist in such large amounts or numbers that there is enough for people"s wants or needs.

If something isplentiful, there is a lot of it available:

Strawberries areplentifulin the summer.

findplentifulsupplies of fresh fruit and vegetables得到大量新鲜水果和蔬菜的供应

Eggs areplentifulat the moment.现在鸡蛋很多。

The visitors wereplentifullysupplied with food and drink.给来宾准备了丰富的食物和饮料。
